"""Base data provider."""
import contextlib
import json
import operator
import typing as t
from functools import reduce
from mimesis import random as _random
from mimesis.constants import DATADIR, LOCALE_SEP
from mimesis.exceptions import NonEnumerableError
from mimesis.locales import Locale, validate_locale
from mimesis.types import JSON, MissingSeed, Seed
__all__ = ["BaseDataProvider", "BaseProvider"]
class BaseProvider:
"""This is a base class for all providers.
:attr: random: An instance of :class:`mimesis.random.Random`.
:attr: seed: Seed for random.
class Meta:
name: str
def __init__(
seed: Seed = MissingSeed,
random: _random.Random | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialize attributes.
Keep in mind that locale-independent data providers will work
only with keyword-only arguments.
:param seed: Seed for random.
When set to `None` the current system time is used.
:param random: Custom random.
See https://github.com/lk-geimfari/mimesis/issues/1313 for details.
if random is not None:
if not isinstance(random, _random.Random):
raise TypeError(
"The random must be an instance of mimesis.random.Random"
self.random = random
self.random = _random.Random()
self.seed = seed
def reseed(self, seed: Seed = MissingSeed) -> None:
"""Reseeds the internal random generator.
In case we use the default seed, we need to create a per instance
random generator. In this case, two providers with the same seed
will always return the same values.
:param seed: Seed for random.
When set to `None` the current system time is used.
self.seed = seed
if seed is MissingSeed:
# Remove casts after mypy will fix this inference:
if _random.global_seed is not MissingSeed:
self.random.seed(t.cast(t.Any, _random.global_seed))
self.random.seed(t.cast(t.Any, seed))
def validate_enum(self, item: t.Any, enum: t.Any) -> t.Any:
"""Validates various enum objects that are used as arguments for methods.
:param item: Item of an enum object.
:param enum: Enum object.
:return: Value of item.
:raises NonEnumerableError: If enums has not such an item.
if item is None:
result = self.random.choice_enum_item(enum)
elif item and isinstance(item, enum):
result = item
raise NonEnumerableError(enum)
return result.value
def _read_global_file(self, file_name: str) -> t.Any:
"""Reads JSON file and return dict.
Reads JSON file from mimesis/data/global/ directory.
:param file_name: Path to file.
:raises FileNotFoundError: If the file was not found.
:return: JSON data.
with open(DATADIR.joinpath("global", file_name)) as f:
data = json.load(f)
return data
def _has_seed(self) -> bool:
"""Internal API to check if seed is set."""
return (self.seed is not None and self.seed is not MissingSeed) or (
_random.global_seed is not None and _random.global_seed is not MissingSeed
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Human-readable representation of locale."""
return self.__class__.__name__
class BaseDataProvider(BaseProvider):
"""This is a base class for all data providers."""
def __init__(
locale: Locale = Locale.DEFAULT,
seed: Seed = MissingSeed,
*args: t.Any,
**kwargs: t.Any,
) -> None:
"""Initialize attributes for data providers.
:param locale: Current locale.
:param seed: Seed to all the random functions.
super().__init__(seed=seed, *args, **kwargs)
# This is a dict with data
# loaded from the JSON file.
self._dataset: JSON = {}
# Order matters here, since
# we have to set up locale first.
def _setup_locale(self, locale: Locale = Locale.DEFAULT) -> None:
"""Set up locale after pre-check.
:param str locale: Locale
:raises UnsupportedLocale: When locale not supported.
:return: Nothing.
locale_obj = validate_locale(locale)
self.locale = locale_obj.value
def _extract(self, keys: list[str], default: t.Any = None) -> t.Any:
"""Extracts nested values from JSON file by list of keys.
:param keys: List of keys (order extremely matters).
:param default: Default value.
:return: Data.
if not keys:
raise ValueError("The list of keys to extract cannot be empty.")
return reduce(operator.getitem, keys, self._dataset)
except (TypeError, KeyError):
return default
def _update_dict(self, initial: JSON, other: JSON) -> JSON:
"""Recursively updates a dictionary.
:param initial: Dict to update.
:param other: Dict to update from.
:return: Updated dict.
for k, v in other.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
initial[k] = self._update_dict(initial.get(k, {}), v)
initial[k] = other[k]
return initial
def _load_dataset(self) -> None:
"""Loads the content from the JSON dataset.
:return: The content of the file.
:raises UnsupportedLocale: Raises if locale is unsupported.
locale = self.locale
datafile = getattr(self.Meta, "datafile", "")
datadir = getattr(self.Meta, "datadir", DATADIR)
if not datafile:
return None
def read_file(locale_name: str) -> t.Any:
file_path = datadir / locale_name / datafile
with open(file_path, encoding="utf8") as f:
return json.load(f)
master_locale = locale.split(LOCALE_SEP).pop(0)
data = read_file(master_locale)
if LOCALE_SEP in locale:
data = self._update_dict(data, read_file(locale))
self._dataset = data
def update_dataset(self, data: JSON) -> None:
"""Updates dataset merging a given dict into default data.
This method may be useful when you need to override data
for a given key in JSON file.
if not isinstance(data, dict):
raise TypeError("The data must be a dict.")
self._dataset |= data
def get_current_locale(self) -> str:
"""Returns current locale.
If locale is not defined, then this method will always return ``en``,
because ``en`` is default locale for all providers, excluding builtins.
:return: Current locale.
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
return self.locale
def _override_locale(self, locale: Locale = Locale.DEFAULT) -> None:
"""Overrides current locale with passed and pull data for new locale.
:param locale: Locale
:return: Nothing.
def override_locale(
locale: Locale,
) -> t.Generator["BaseDataProvider", None, None]:
"""Context manager that allows overriding current locale.
Temporarily overrides current locale for
locale-dependent providers.
:param locale: Locale.
:return: Provider with overridden locale.
origin_locale = Locale(self.locale)
yield self
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError(f"«{self.__class__.__name__}» has not locale dependent")
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Human-readable representation of locale."""
locale = Locale(getattr(self, "locale", Locale.DEFAULT))
return f"{self.__class__.__name__} <{locale}>"