Data Providers¶
Mimesis support over twenty different data providers available, which can produce data related to food, people, computer hardware, transportation, addresses, and more.
See API for more info.
Data providers are heavy objects since each instance of provider keeps in memory all the data from the provider’s JSON file so you should not construct too many providers.
You can read more about the heaviness of providers in this issue.
Types of Providers¶
There are two types of providers:
Locale-dependent providers (These providers offer data that is specific to a particular locale/country).
Locale-independent providers (These providers offer data that is universal and applicable to all countries).
Here is an example of a locale-dependent provider:
from mimesis import Person
from mimesis.locales import Locale
person = Person(locale=Locale.EN)
# Output: 'John'
If you don’t specify the locale for a provider that is dependent on the locale, the default locale (i.e. Locale.EN) will be used.
Locale-independent providers do not require a locale to be specified:
from mimesis import Code
code = Code()
# Output: '353918052107063'
Moreover, locale-independent providers raise an exception if you try to specify a locale:
from mimesis import Code
from mimesis.locales import Locale
code = Code(locale=Locale.EN)
# TypeError: BaseProvider.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'locale'
See API to see which providers are locale-dependent and which are not.
Generic Provider¶
If you only require generating data for a specific locale, you may opt to
use the Generic()
provider. It provides access to all the
other Mimesis providers through a single object, allowing you to generate
a wide range of data types using for the same locale.
Let’s take a look at an example:
from mimesis import Generic
from mimesis.locales import Locale
g = Generic(locale=Locale.ES)
# Output: 'Agosto'
# Output: '353918052107063'
# Output: 'Limón'
When using Generic()
, Mimesis automatically detects which provider depends
on the locale and which does not, so you don’t have to worry about it.
Built-in Providers¶
Typically, in countries where only one language is the official language, there are specific types of data that are unique to those countries. For instance, in Brazil (Locale.PT_BR) the “CPF” is used, while in the USA (Locale.EN) the “SSN” is used.
However, this type of data can become bothersome when it appears in all objects irrespective of the selected locale.
By examining the example provided (the code won’t execute), you can see this for yourself:
from mimesis import Person
from mimesis.locales import Locale
person = Person(locale=Locale.EN)
As perfectionists, we have addressed this issue by separating class providers with locally-specific data into a special sub-package (mimesis.builtins). This ensures that providers for specific regions do not cause any inconvenience for providers for other regions. This approach helps to maintain a common class structure for all languages and their objects.
Here’s how it works:
from mimesis import Generic
from mimesis.locales import Locale
from mimesis.builtins import BrazilSpecProvider
generic = Generic(locale=Locale.PT_BR)
# Output: '696.441.186-00'
To modify the default name of the built-in provider, you can change the value of the attribute = 'brasil'
# Output: '019.775.929-70'
Or just inherit the class and override the value of attribute name
of class Meta of the provider (in our case this is BrazilSpecProvider
) :
class Brasil(BrazilSpecProvider):
class Meta:
name = "brasil"
# Output: '55.806.487/7994-45'
Generally, you don’t need to add built-it classes to the object
. It was done in the example with the single purpose of
demonstrating in which cases you should add a built-in class provider to
the object Generic
. You can use it directly, as shown below:
from mimesis.builtins import RussiaSpecProvider
from mimesis.enums import Gender
ru = RussiaSpecProvider()
# Output: 'Петровна'
# Output: 'Бенедиктович'
See API for more info about built-in providers.
Custom Providers¶
The library provides support for a wide range of data, which is sufficient for most use cases. However, for those who wish to create their own providers with more specific data, this can be achieved as follows:
from mimesis import Generic
from mimesis.locales import Locale
from mimesis.providers.base import BaseProvider
class SomeProvider(BaseProvider):
class Meta:
name = "some_provider"
def hello() -> str:
return "Hello!"
class Another(BaseProvider):
def __init__(self, seed, message: str) -> None:
self.message = message
def bye(self) -> str:
return self.message
generic = Generic(locale=Locale.DEFAULT)
generic.add_provider(SomeProvider) # or generic += SomeProvider
generic.add_provider(Another, message="Bye!")
# Output: 'Hello!'
# Output: 'Bye!'
In addition, you can also add multiple providers:
generic.add_providers(SomeProvider, Another)
# Output: 'Hello!'
# Output: 'Bye!'
If you attempt to add a provider that does not inherit from BaseProvider
you will receive a TypeError exception:
class InvalidProvider:
def hello() -> str:
return 'Hello!'
TypeError: The provider must be a subclass of mimesis.providers.BaseProvider.
All providers must be subclasses of BaseProvider
to ensure
that only a single instance of the Random object is used.
Everything here is quite straightforward, but we would like to clarify one point:
the name attribute in the Meta class refers to the name of the class through which access
to methods of user-class providers is carried out. By default, the class name (cls.__name__
) is used in
lowercase letters.
See Random and Seed to learn how to access the Random
Custom Data Providers¶
To create your own data provider and store your data in JSON files, you can follow these steps:
First, create a directory to store your data with the following structure:
├── de
│ └── file_name.json
├── en
│ └── file_name.json
└── ru
└── file_name.json
To ensure that your provider supports the desired locale, every custom data directory (datadir) must include a directory with the name of the locale.
Next, you need to populate the files with the relevant data.
For example:
"key": [
Afterwards, you will need to create a class that inherits from BaseDataProvider
from pathlib import Path
from mimesis import BaseDataProvider
from mimesis.locales import Locale
class CustomDataProvider(BaseDataProvider):
class Meta:
name = 'custom_provider'
datafile = 'file_name.json'
datadir = Path(__file__).parent / 'custom_datadir'
def my_method(self):
return self.random.choice(self.extract(['key']))
The Meta class is required and must contain the following attributes:
name - the name of the provider in lowercase letters.
datafile - the name of the file with data.
datadir - the path to the directory with data (must be an instance of
That’s it! Now you can use your custom data provider:
>>> from mimesis.locales import Locale
>>> cdp = CustomDataProvider(Locale.EN)
>>> cdp.my_method()