Source code for mimesis.providers.numeric

"""Provides data related to numbers."""

import typing as t
from collections import defaultdict
from decimal import Decimal

from mimesis.enums import NumType
from mimesis.providers.base import BaseProvider
from mimesis.types import Matrix

__all__ = ["Numeric"]

[docs] class Numeric(BaseProvider): """A provider for generating numeric data."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__increment_dict: t.DefaultDict[str, int] = defaultdict(int) self.__default_accumulator_value: t.Final[str] = "default"
class Meta: name = "numeric"
[docs] def increment(self, accumulator: str | None = None) -> int: """Generates an incrementing number. Each call of this method returns an incrementing number (with the step of +1). If **accumulator** passed then increments number associated with it. Example: >>> self.increment() 1 >>> self.increment(accumulator="a") 1 >>> self.increment() 2 >>> self.increment(accumulator="a") 2 >>> self.increment(accumulator="b") 1 >>> self.increment(accumulator="a") 3 :param accumulator: Accumulator (used to create associative incrementation). :return: Integer. """ if not accumulator: accumulator = self.__default_accumulator_value self.__increment_dict[accumulator] += 1 return self.__increment_dict[accumulator]
[docs] def float_number( self, start: float = -1000.0, end: float = 1000.0, precision: int = 15 ) -> float: """Generates a random float number in range [start, end]. :param start: Start range. :param end: End range. :param precision: Round a number to a given precision in decimal digits, default is 15. :return: Float. """ return self.random.uniform(start, end, precision)
[docs] def floats( self, start: float = 0, end: float = 1, n: int = 10, precision: int = 15 ) -> list[float]: """Generates a list of random float numbers. :param start: Start range. :param end: End range. :param n: Length of the list. :param precision: Round a number to a given precision in decimal digits, default is 15. :return: The list of floating-point numbers. """ return [self.float_number(start, end, precision) for _ in range(n)]
[docs] def integer_number(self, start: int = -1000, end: int = 1000) -> int: """Generates a random integer from start to end. :param start: Start range. :param end: End range. :return: Integer. """ return self.random.randint(start, end)
[docs] def integers(self, start: int = 0, end: int = 10, n: int = 10) -> list[int]: """Generates a list of random integers. :param start: Start. :param end: End. :param n: Length of the list. :return: List of integers. :Example: [-20, -19, -18, -17] """ return self.random.randints(n, start, end)
[docs] def complex_number( self, start_real: float = 0.0, end_real: float = 1.0, start_imag: float = 0.0, end_imag: float = 1.0, precision_real: int = 15, precision_imag: int = 15, ) -> complex: """Generates a random complex number. :param start_real: Start real range. :param end_real: End real range. :param start_imag: Start imaginary range. :param end_imag: End imaginary range. :param precision_real: Round a real part of number to a given precision. :param precision_imag: Round the imaginary part of number to a given precision. :return: Complex numbers. """ real_part = self.random.uniform(start_real, end_real, precision_real) imag_part = self.random.uniform(start_imag, end_imag, precision_imag) return complex(real_part, imag_part)
[docs] def complexes( self, start_real: float = 0, end_real: float = 1, start_imag: float = 0, end_imag: float = 1, precision_real: int = 15, precision_imag: int = 15, n: int = 10, ) -> list[complex]: """Generates a list of random complex numbers. :param start_real: Start real range. :param end_real: End real range. :param start_imag: Start imaginary range. :param end_imag: End imaginary range. :param precision_real: Round a real part of number to a given precision. :param precision_imag: Round the imaginary part of number to a given precision. :param n: Length of the list. :return: A list of random complex numbers. """ numbers = [] for _ in range(n): numbers.append( self.complex_number( start_real=start_real, end_real=end_real, start_imag=start_imag, end_imag=end_imag, precision_real=precision_real, precision_imag=precision_imag, ), ) return numbers
[docs] def decimal_number(self, start: float = -1000.0, end: float = 1000.0) -> Decimal: """Generates a random decimal number. :param start: Start range. :param end: End range. :return: :py:class:`decimal.Decimal` object. """ return Decimal.from_float(self.float_number(start, end))
[docs] def decimals( self, start: float = 0.0, end: float = 1000.0, n: int = 10 ) -> list[Decimal]: """Generates a list of decimal numbers. :param start: Start range. :param end: End range. :param n: Length of the list. :return: A list of :py:class:`decimal.Decimal` objects. """ return [self.decimal_number(start, end) for _ in range(n)]
[docs] def matrix( self, m: int = 10, n: int = 10, num_type: NumType = NumType.FLOAT, **kwargs: t.Any, ) -> Matrix: """Generates m x n matrix with a random numbers. This method works with a variety of types, so you can pass method-specific `**kwargs`. :param m: Number of rows. :param n: Number of columns. :param num_type: NumType enum object. :param kwargs: Other method-specific arguments. :return: A matrix of random numbers. """ key = self.validate_enum(num_type, NumType) kwargs.update({"n": n}) method = getattr(self, key) return [method(**kwargs) for _ in range(m)]