Tricks and Tips

This section contains some tricks and tips for using Mimesis.

Dealing with ORM

If you need to generate data and import it into a database we strongly recommend generating data in chunks rather than 600k at once. Keep in mind the possible limitations of databases, ORM, etc. The smaller the generated data chunks are, the faster the process will go. Below you can see an abstract example of a Django command which uses Mimesis to bootstrap database.


~ python fill_fake_db --count=1000 --locale=de

Very bad:

~ python fill_fake_db --count=600000 --locale=de

For ORM integration, you might find it useful to use mimesis-factory.

Test API Endpoints

You can create dummy API endpoints when you have not data, but need them and know the structure of the endpoint’s response.

Let’s define the structure of the dummy response.

from mimesis.schema import Field, Schema
from mimesis.locales import Locale
from mimesis.enums import Gender

_ = Field(Locale.EN)
dummy_users = Schema(
    lambda: {
        'id': _('uuid'),
        'name': _('name', gender=Gender.MALE),
        'surname': _('surname', gender=Gender.MALE),
        'email': _('email'),
        'age': _('age'),
        'username': _('username', template='UU_d'),
        'occupation': _('occupation'),
        "address": {
            "street": _('street_name'),
            "city": _('city'),
            "zipcode": _('zip_code'),

Now, you can return unique response with JSON for each request.

Basically you need just create simple view, which returns JsonResponse:

from dummy_endpoints import dummy_users

def users(request):
    dummy_data = dummy_users.create(iterations=1)
    return JsonResponse(dummy_data)


    "id": "a46313ab-e218-41cb-deee-b9afd755a4dd",
    "name": "Wally",
    "surname": "Stein",
    "email": "",
    "age": 51,
    "username": "SystemicZeuzera_1985",
    "occupation": "Travel Courier",
    "address": {
      "street": "Lessing",
      "city": "Urbandale",
      "zipcode": "03983"

Integration with 3rd-party libraries